Please select articles of interest by "clicking" the titles!
* *Most of these articles appeared in the Indianapolis Star and also in several of the Greater Indianapolis suburban newspapers . |
Yom Kippur - A Day, But Is There Atonement for the Jewish Soul? | Did Moses in the Jewish Bible 3500 years ago predict that the Messiah would die like a suffering lamb? |
The Jewish Bible & Life After Death-- What must a Jewish person "believe" or "do" to go to heaven?" | Jews for Jesus? |
Is it True that One Day Most of the Jewish People Will Accept Jesus Before He Returns? | Ancient Jewish Bible Text Predicts Messiah Would Die! |
Is the God of the Jewish Bible a Trinity? | Doctrinal / Theological Differences Between Rabbinic Judaism & Messianic Jewish Theology |
Who is a Jew? | The Jewish Bible & Abortion |
Send your questions and comments
to Jon at Messianic Jewish Life 317-848-4535 - (email) (web site) |